Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Miracle From God (Board Passer)

        After graduating Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, I went straight to post graduate to continue Medicine. And while I was in my 1st year proper, I was planning to take my Pharmacy board exam. At first I wasn’t sure if I can do both, taking the board exam while being busy in med school. I was worried at first that I might fail the board exam. And then I thought that it’s okay if I fail because I was taking up medicine anyway, I can’t use my Pharmacy license even if I pass it. But still, I decided to continue because I realized that if I pass the Pharmacy licensure examination, it would give great pride to my whole family and that’s the best gift I could give to them from all their hard work for me…

        So I filed for the application in the Pharmacist licensure examination at the Professional Regulation Commission. It was all set. Then I told my mom that I need to enroll to a review center so she gave me 15,000 PhP. But the problem is, I’m in Medicine, I need to decide where to concentrate and I ended up not enrolling in the review center, instead I told myself that I will do self review. And I was given 3 months to do it.

        Now, another conflict joined my situation, it was the golden 50th anniversary of my Grandparents and this situation is very rare and only comes once. And this two people are very important in my life, so I need to somehow help in preparing for the significant occasion in our family. So I ended up not reviewing at all, two and a half months have been wasted for reviewing time. I even sang in the occasion. After the celebration, there was 20 days left before the Pharmacy board examination. And I was very busy in my med school because there’s a lot of topics to catch up. So I told myself that for the remaining 20 days, I will try to review at least one hour per day, but still I didn’t end up strictly following the goal that I’ve set. So I told myself that it’s okay if I fail because I didn’t study at all, I was preoccupied with other things and I’m in medicine anyway. But the truth is I’m very nervous because it is embarrassing to my Pharmacy family if I fail.

        So before the board exam started, I told myself not to be nervous because I’m taking up medicine anyway, so whatever happens, I should accept it coz’ I am the one who made my future. So while taking the boards, I wasn’t nervous because I psyched myself from it, and the great thing is I wasn’t mentally blocked, eventhough, I didn’t enroll in the review center and I didn’t end up doing self review, I remembered everything that my Pharmacy instructors taught me. So I felt good and confident with the 2 day examination.

        After the board exam, I have to wait 3 days for the results and it will be shown first in the internet at twelve in the morning under Philippine Daily Inquirer website. So with that 3 day duration, I was extremely nervous because I don’t want to give shame to my family as well as to my pharmacy instructors. It was the third day at twelve in the morning, I was scanning the website for the results and I keep coming back because it hasn’t been posted yet… and after many anxious minutes of waiting, finally, the results came out. I checked my name immediately, and with so much anxiety, I didn’t see my name because I skipped it. So I felt more afraid and agitated, so I rescan the page and finally I saw my name. After that… You can imagine what happened… I was jumping and shouting for so much joy that my neighbors woke up… then I called my grandfather and mother first to share the miraculous news. And my family was so proud of me that they didn’t sleep so that they could rush to the newspaper store in the first minute that it opens… I’ve never felt the feeling that someone is so proud of me in my whole life because this was the first accomplishment I have ever done and I can’t stop smiling the whole night.

        It was really a great miracle from our Almighty… GOD was the UNPERCENTED reason why I passed… I didn’t do anything at all, it was all him, I just surrendered everything to him. He never left me, he guided me not to be nervous so that I would remember everything… Nothing is impossible with God and this is my testimony…

Website Page:

January 2007 Pharmacist Licensure Exam Results

- The Prodigal Learner